y senadores




Bob Menendez

New Jersey

NJ. Carta al Senador Bob Menendez Jornada

Date: 03/18/2025

The Honorable Senator
Bob Menendez
528 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
Washington DC 20510

Dear Senator,

On December 31st, 2021, the creation of the bill that can offer permanent stability to more than 421,000 Venezuelans residing in the United States began. 

This proposal, called the Venezuelan Adjustment Act., is a way to offer Permanent Residency to Venezuelans residing in the USA.

For this Petition/Bill to prosper and advance, we need bipartisan support; therefore, we enthusiastically request that you be a sponsor of said bill because you represent a great hope for the Venezuelan people.

We would like to enact this legislation based on the following reasons:

  1. We wish to be considered as partakers and recipients alike of the already existing Cuban Adjustment Law approved on November 02, 1966
  2. Apart from the humanitarian characteristics, the Venezuelan community would be a community of interest to the United States.
  3. The United States is a nation consistent with the principles they have followed in their dealings with the nations around the world, to encourage freedom and to encourage resistance to totalitarianism.
  4. The approval of this law would be a contribution to the principle of consistency of the United States, which carries freedom and resistance to totalitarianism as its flag, which is a nation that practices what it preaches and which extends itself to provide the opportunity for people who are victims of totalitarian regimes, to live in a free society and be useful to their newly acquired place of residence, the United States.
  5. Many professional Venezuelans already are, and countless others will be an asset to this country once they are legally permitted to practice their professions in the U.S. such as medical, legal, teaching and all for which they are currently not able to engage in, due to their immigration status because most require permanent residence or US citizenship. 
  6. The Venezuelan community has been characterized mostly as hard-working professionals who are an asset in many American communities.
  7. Does not encourage irregular immigration.
  8. We are not a public charge and most Venezuelan applicants declared their taxes to the IRS.

The Venezuelan community implores your help in bringing this legislation to the House of Senate' floor to permanently protect Venezuelan residents already residing in USA. We encourage and count on your support on behalf of this legislation.

We need to provide a pathway for Venezuelans by affording them stability with a great promise of contribution to the nation, being an asset and added value to the growth and development of communities.



Cory Booker

New Jersey

Carta al Senador Cory Booker Jornada

Date: 03/18/2025

The Honorable Senator
Cory Booker
717 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510

Dear Senator,

On December 31st, 2021, the creation of the bill that can offer permanent stability to more than 421,000 Venezuelans residing in the United States began. 

This proposal, called the Venezuelan Adjustment Act., is a way to offer Permanent Residency to Venezuelans residing in the USA.

For this Petition/Bill to prosper and advance, we need bipartisan support; therefore, we enthusiastically request that you be a sponsor of said bill because you represent a great hope for the Venezuelan people.

We would like to enact this legislation based on the following reasons:

  1. We wish to be considered as partakers and recipients alike of the already existing Cuban Adjustment Law approved on November 02, 1966
  2. Apart from the humanitarian characteristics, the Venezuelan community would be a community of interest to the United States.
  3. The United States is a nation consistent with the principles they have followed in their dealings with the nations around the world, to encourage freedom and to encourage resistance to totalitarianism.
  4. The approval of this law would be a contribution to the principle of consistency of the United States, which carries freedom and resistance to totalitarianism as its flag, which is a nation that practices what it preaches and which extends itself to provide the opportunity for people who are victims of totalitarian regimes, to live in a free society and be useful to their newly acquired place of residence, the United States.
  5. Many professional Venezuelans already are, and countless others will be an asset to this country once they are legally permitted to practice their professions in the U.S. such as medical, legal, teaching and all for which they are currently not able to engage in, due to their immigration status because most require permanent residence or US citizenship. 
  6. The Venezuelan community has been characterized mostly as hard-working professionals who are an asset in many American communities.
  7. Does not encourage irregular immigration.
  8. We are not a public charge and most Venezuelan applicants declared their taxes to the IRS.

The Venezuelan community implores your help in bringing this legislation to the House of Senate' floor to permanently protect Venezuelan residents already residing in USA. We encourage and count on your support on behalf of this legislation.

We need to provide a pathway for Venezuelans by affording them stability with a great promise of contribution to the nation, being an asset and added value to the growth and development of communities.




Republican Representatives

Jefferson Van Drew


NJ. Carta al Representante Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ-2) Jornada

Date: 03/18/2025

The Honorable Representative
Jeff Van Drew
2447 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington DC 20515

Dear Representative,

On December 31st, 2021, the planning for a bill that can offer permanent stability to more than 421,000 Venezuelans residing in the United States began. This proposal, called the Venezuelan Adjustment Act, would be a way to offer Permanent Residence.

We also need bipartisan support; however, we request that you be a sponsor of the said bill since you represent great hope for the Venezuelan people.

We would like to enact this legislation based on many different reasons such as:

  1. We rely on the Cuban Adjustment Law: Law approved on November 02, 1966
  2. Apart from the humanitarian characteristics, the Venezuelan community would be a community of interest to the United States.
  3. The United States is a nation consistent with the principles they have followed in their dealings with the nations around the world, to encourage freedom and to encourage resistance to totalitarianism.
  4. The approval of this law would be a contribution to the principle of consistency of the United States, which carries freedom and resistance to totalitarianism as its flag, which is a nation that practices what it preaches and which extends itself to provide the opportunity to provide to people who are victims of totalitarian regimes, to live in a free society and be useful to the United States.
  5. Many professional Venezuelans who would be a credit to this country were prevented from gaining professional employment in the U.S. due to statutes that require Permanent Residence or full citizenship for certain professions such as a doctor, dentist, lawyer, teacher, etc.
  6. The Venezuelan community has been characterized as hard-working professionals who are an asset to American communities.
  7. Does not encourage irregular immigration.
  8. We are not a public charge, most of the Venezuelan applicants have declared their taxes.

The Venezuelan community urges your help in bringing this legislation to the House of Representatives floor to permanently protect Venezuelan residents in the USA. We count on your support to back this legislation.

We need to start the pathway for Venezuelans by affording them stability with a great contribution to the nation, being an asset and added value to the growth and development of communities.



Chris Smith


NJ. Carta al Representante Chris Smith (R-NJ-4) Jornada

Date: 03/18/2025

The Honorable Representative
Chris Smith
2373 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington DC 20515

Dear Representative,

On December 31st, 2021, the planning for a bill that can offer permanent stability to more than 421,000 Venezuelans residing in the United States began. This proposal, called the Venezuelan Adjustment Act, would be a way to offer Permanent Residence.

We also need bipartisan support; however, we request that you be a sponsor of the said bill since you represent great hope for the Venezuelan people.

We would like to enact this legislation based on many different reasons such as:

  1. We rely on the Cuban Adjustment Law: Law approved on November 02, 1966
  2. Apart from the humanitarian characteristics, the Venezuelan community would be a community of interest to the United States.
  3. The United States is a nation consistent with the principles they have followed in their dealings with the nations around the world, to encourage freedom and to encourage resistance to totalitarianism.
  4. The approval of this law would be a contribution to the principle of consistency of the United States, which carries freedom and resistance to totalitarianism as its flag, which is a nation that practices what it preaches and which extends itself to provide the opportunity to provide to people who are victims of totalitarian regimes, to live in a free society and be useful to the United States.
  5. Many professional Venezuelans who would be a credit to this country were prevented from gaining professional employment in the U.S. due to statutes that require Permanent Residence or full citizenship for certain professions such as a doctor, dentist, lawyer, teacher, etc.
  6. The Venezuelan community has been characterized as hard-working professionals who are an asset to American communities.
  7. Does not encourage irregular immigration.
  8. We are not a public charge, most of the Venezuelan applicants have declared their taxes.

The Venezuelan community urges your help in bringing this legislation to the House of Representatives floor to permanently protect Venezuelan residents in the USA. We count on your support to back this legislation.

We need to start the pathway for Venezuelans by affording them stability with a great contribution to the nation, being an asset and added value to the growth and development of communities.



Thomas Kean


NJ. Carta al Representante Thomas Kean Jr. (D-NJ-7) Jornada

Date: 03/18/2025

The Honorable Representative
Thomas Kean Jr.
251 Cannon House Office Building
Washington DC 20515

Dear Representative,

On December 31st, 2021, the planning for a bill that can offer permanent stability to more than 421,000 Venezuelans residing in the United States began. This proposal, called the Venezuelan Adjustment Act, would be a way to offer Permanent Residence.

We also need bipartisan support; however, we request that you be a sponsor of the said bill since you represent great hope for the Venezuelan people.

We would like to enact this legislation based on many different reasons such as:

  1. We rely on the Cuban Adjustment Law: Law approved on November 02, 1966
  2. Apart from the humanitarian characteristics, the Venezuelan community would be a community of interest to the United States.
  3. The United States is a nation consistent with the principles they have followed in their dealings with the nations around the world, to encourage freedom and to encourage resistance to totalitarianism.
  4. The approval of this law would be a contribution to the principle of consistency of the United States, which carries freedom and resistance to totalitarianism as its flag, which is a nation that practices what it preaches and which extends itself to provide the opportunity to provide to people who are victims of totalitarian regimes, to live in a free society and be useful to the United States.
  5. Many professional Venezuelans who would be a credit to this country were prevented from gaining professional employment in the U.S. due to statutes that require Permanent Residence or full citizenship for certain professions such as a doctor, dentist, lawyer, teacher, etc.
  6. The Venezuelan community has been characterized as hard-working professionals who are an asset to American communities.
  7. Does not encourage irregular immigration.
  8. We are not a public charge, most of the Venezuelan applicants have declared their taxes.

The Venezuelan community urges your help in bringing this legislation to the House of Representatives floor to permanently protect Venezuelan residents in the USA. We count on your support to back this legislation.

We need to start the pathway for Venezuelans by affording them stability with a great contribution to the nation, being an asset and added value to the growth and development of communities.



Democratic Representatives

Donald Norcross


NJ. Carta al Representante Donald Norcross (D-NJ-1) Jornada

Date: 03/18/2025

The Honorable Representative
Donald Norcross
2437 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington DC 20515


Dear Representative,

On December 31st, 2021, the planning for a bill that can offer permanent stability to more than 421,000 Venezuelans residing in the United States began. This proposal, called the Venezuelan Adjustment Act, would be a way to offer Permanent Residence.

We also need bipartisan support; however, we request that you be a sponsor of the said bill since you represent great hope for the Venezuelan people.

We would like to enact this legislation based on many different reasons such as:

  1. We rely on the Cuban Adjustment Law: Law approved on November 02, 1966
  2. Apart from the humanitarian characteristics, the Venezuelan community would be a community of interest to the United States.
  3. The United States is a nation consistent with the principles they have followed in their dealings with the nations around the world, to encourage freedom and to encourage resistance to totalitarianism.
  4. The approval of this law would be a contribution to the principle of consistency of the United States, which carries freedom and resistance to totalitarianism as its flag, which is a nation that practices what it preaches and which extends itself to provide the opportunity to provide to people who are victims of totalitarian regimes, to live in a free society and be useful to the United States.
  5. Many professional Venezuelans who would be a credit to this country were prevented from gaining professional employment in the U.S. due to statutes that require Permanent Residence or full citizenship for certain professions such as a doctor, dentist, lawyer, teacher, etc.
  6. The Venezuelan community has been characterized as hard-working professionals who are an asset to American communities.
  7. Does not encourage irregular immigration.
  8. We are not a public charge, most of the Venezuelan applicants have declared their taxes.

The Venezuelan community urges your help in bringing this legislation to the House of Representatives floor to permanently protect Venezuelan residents in the USA. We count on your support to back this legislation.

We need to start the pathway for Venezuelans by affording them stability with a great contribution to the nation, being an asset and added value to the growth and development of communities.



Herb Conaway


NJ. Carta al Representante Herb Conaway (D-NJ-3) Jornada

Date: 03/18/2025

The Honorable Representative
Herb Conaway
1022 Longworth House Office Building
Washington DC 20515

Dear Representative,

On December 31st, 2021, the planning for a bill that can offer permanent stability to more than 421,000 Venezuelans residing in the United States began. This proposal, called the Venezuelan Adjustment Act. HR. 1348, would be a way to offer Permanent Residence.

We also need bipartisan support; however, we request that you be a sponsor of the said bill since you represent great hope for the Venezuelan people.

We would like to enact this legislation based on many different reasons such as:

  1. We rely on the Cuban Adjustment Law: Law approved on November 02, 1966
  2. Apart from the humanitarian characteristics, the Venezuelan community would be a community of interest to the United States.
  3. The United States is a nation consistent with the principles they have followed in their dealings with the nations around the world, to encourage freedom and to encourage resistance to totalitarianism.
  4. The approval of this law would be a contribution to the principle of consistency of the United States, which carries freedom and resistance to totalitarianism as its flag, which is a nation that practices what it preaches and which extends itself to provide the opportunity to provide to people who are victims of totalitarian regimes, to live in a free society and be useful to the United States.
  5. Many professional Venezuelans who would be a credit to this country were prevented from gaining professional employment in the U.S. due to statutes that require Permanent Residence or full citizenship for certain professions such as a doctor, dentist, lawyer, teacher, etc.
  6. The Venezuelan community has been characterized as hard-working professionals who are an asset to American communities.
  7. Does not encourage irregular immigration.
  8. We are not a public charge, most of the Venezuelan applicants have declared their taxes.

The Venezuelan community urges your help in bringing this legislation to the House of Representatives floor to permanently protect Venezuelan residents in the USA. We count on your support to back this legislation.

We need to start the pathway for Venezuelans by affording them stability with a great contribution to the nation, being an asset and added value to the growth and development of communities.



Josh Gottheimer


NJ. Carta al Representante Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ-5) Jornada

Date: 03/18/2025

The Honorable Representative
Josh Gottheimer
203 Cannon House Office Building
Washington DC 20515

Dear Representative,

On December 31st, 2021, the planning for a bill that can offer permanent stability to more than 421,000 Venezuelans residing in the United States began. This proposal, called the Venezuelan Adjustment Act, would be a way to offer Permanent Residence.

We also need bipartisan support; however, we request that you be a sponsor of the said bill since you represent great hope for the Venezuelan people.

We would like to enact this legislation based on many different reasons such as:

  1. We rely on the Cuban Adjustment Law: Law approved on November 02, 1966
  2. Apart from the humanitarian characteristics, the Venezuelan community would be a community of interest to the United States.
  3. The United States is a nation consistent with the principles they have followed in their dealings with the nations around the world, to encourage freedom and to encourage resistance to totalitarianism.
  4. The approval of this law would be a contribution to the principle of consistency of the United States, which carries freedom and resistance to totalitarianism as its flag, which is a nation that practices what it preaches and which extends itself to provide the opportunity to provide to people who are victims of totalitarian regimes, to live in a free society and be useful to the United States.
  5. Many professional Venezuelans who would be a credit to this country were prevented from gaining professional employment in the U.S. due to statutes that require Permanent Residence or full citizenship for certain professions such as a doctor, dentist, lawyer, teacher, etc.
  6. The Venezuelan community has been characterized as hard-working professionals who are an asset to American communities.
  7. Does not encourage irregular immigration.
  8. We are not a public charge, most of the Venezuelan applicants have declared their taxes.

The Venezuelan community urges your help in bringing this legislation to the House of Representatives floor to permanently protect Venezuelan residents in the USA. We count on your support to back this legislation.

We need to start the pathway for Venezuelans by affording them stability with a great contribution to the nation, being an asset and added value to the growth and development of communities.



Frank Pallone, Jr.


NJ. Carta al Representante Frank Pallone (D-NJ-6) Jornada

Date: 03/18/2025

The Honorable Representative
Frank Pallone
2107 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington DC 20515

Dear Representative,

On December 31st, 2021, the planning for a bill that can offer permanent stability to more than 421,000 Venezuelans residing in the United States began. This proposal, called the Venezuelan Adjustment Act, would be a way to offer Permanent Residence.

We also need bipartisan support; however, we request that you be a sponsor of the said bill since you represent great hope for the Venezuelan people.

We would like to enact this legislation based on many different reasons such as:

  1. We rely on the Cuban Adjustment Law: Law approved on November 02, 1966
  2. Apart from the humanitarian characteristics, the Venezuelan community would be a community of interest to the United States.
  3. The United States is a nation consistent with the principles they have followed in their dealings with the nations around the world, to encourage freedom and to encourage resistance to totalitarianism.
  4. The approval of this law would be a contribution to the principle of consistency of the United States, which carries freedom and resistance to totalitarianism as its flag, which is a nation that practices what it preaches and which extends itself to provide the opportunity to provide to people who are victims of totalitarian regimes, to live in a free society and be useful to the United States.
  5. Many professional Venezuelans who would be a credit to this country were prevented from gaining professional employment in the U.S. due to statutes that require Permanent Residence or full citizenship for certain professions such as a doctor, dentist, lawyer, teacher, etc.
  6. The Venezuelan community has been characterized as hard-working professionals who are an asset to American communities.
  7. Does not encourage irregular immigration.
  8. We are not a public charge, most of the Venezuelan applicants have declared their taxes.

The Venezuelan community urges your help in bringing this legislation to the House of Representatives floor to permanently protect Venezuelan residents in the USA. We count on your support to back this legislation.

We need to start the pathway for Venezuelans by affording them stability with a great contribution to the nation, being an asset and added value to the growth and development of communities.



Robert Menendez


NJ. Carta al Representante Rob Menendez (D-NJ-8) Jornada

Date: 03/18/2025

The Honorable Representative
Rob Menendez
1007 Longworth House Office Building
Washington DC 20515

Dear Representative,

On December 31st, 2021, the planning for a bill that can offer permanent stability to more than 421,000 Venezuelans residing in the United States began. This proposal, called the Venezuelan Adjustment Act, would be a way to offer Permanent Residence.

We also need bipartisan support; however, we request that you be a sponsor of the said bill since you represent great hope for the Venezuelan people.

We would like to enact this legislation based on many different reasons such as:

  1. We rely on the Cuban Adjustment Law: Law approved on November 02, 1966
  2. Apart from the humanitarian characteristics, the Venezuelan community would be a community of interest to the United States.
  3. The United States is a nation consistent with the principles they have followed in their dealings with the nations around the world, to encourage freedom and to encourage resistance to totalitarianism.
  4. The approval of this law would be a contribution to the principle of consistency of the United States, which carries freedom and resistance to totalitarianism as its flag, which is a nation that practices what it preaches and which extends itself to provide the opportunity to provide to people who are victims of totalitarian regimes, to live in a free society and be useful to the United States.
  5. Many professional Venezuelans who would be a credit to this country were prevented from gaining professional employment in the U.S. due to statutes that require Permanent Residence or full citizenship for certain professions such as a doctor, dentist, lawyer, teacher, etc.
  6. The Venezuelan community has been characterized as hard-working professionals who are an asset to American communities.
  7. Does not encourage irregular immigration.
  8. We are not a public charge, most of the Venezuelan applicants have declared their taxes.

The Venezuelan community urges your help in bringing this legislation to the House of Representatives floor to permanently protect Venezuelan residents in the USA. We count on your support to back this legislation.

We need to start the pathway for Venezuelans by affording them stability with a great contribution to the nation, being an asset and added value to the growth and development of communities.



Bill Pascrell, Jr.


NJ. Carta al Representante Bill Pascrell (D-NJ-9) Jornada

Date: 03/18/2025

The Honorable Representative
Bill Pascrell
2409 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington DC 20515

Dear Representative,

On December 31st, 2021, the planning for a bill that can offer permanent stability to more than 421,000 Venezuelans residing in the United States began. This proposal, called the Venezuelan Adjustment Act, would be a way to offer Permanent Residence.

We also need bipartisan support; however, we request that you be a sponsor of the said bill since you represent great hope for the Venezuelan people.

We would like to enact this legislation based on many different reasons such as:

  1. We rely on the Cuban Adjustment Law: Law approved on November 02, 1966
  2. Apart from the humanitarian characteristics, the Venezuelan community would be a community of interest to the United States.
  3. The United States is a nation consistent with the principles they have followed in their dealings with the nations around the world, to encourage freedom and to encourage resistance to totalitarianism.
  4. The approval of this law would be a contribution to the principle of consistency of the United States, which carries freedom and resistance to totalitarianism as its flag, which is a nation that practices what it preaches and which extends itself to provide the opportunity to provide to people who are victims of totalitarian regimes, to live in a free society and be useful to the United States.
  5. Many professional Venezuelans who would be a credit to this country were prevented from gaining professional employment in the U.S. due to statutes that require Permanent Residence or full citizenship for certain professions such as a doctor, dentist, lawyer, teacher, etc.
  6. The Venezuelan community has been characterized as hard-working professionals who are an asset to American communities.
  7. Does not encourage irregular immigration.
  8. We are not a public charge, most of the Venezuelan applicants have declared their taxes.

The Venezuelan community urges your help in bringing this legislation to the House of Representatives floor to permanently protect Venezuelan residents in the USA. We count on your support to back this legislation.

We need to start the pathway for Venezuelans by affording them stability with a great contribution to the nation, being an asset and added value to the growth and development of communities.



Donald M. Payne, Jr.


NJ. Carta al Representante Donald Payne (D-NJ-10) Jornada

Date: 03/18/2025

The Honorable Representative
Donald Payne
106 Cannon House Office Building
Washington DC 20515

Dear Representative,

On December 31st, 2021, the planning for a bill that can offer permanent stability to more than 421,000 Venezuelans residing in the United States began. This proposal, called the Venezuelan Adjustment Act, would be a way to offer Permanent Residence.

We also need bipartisan support; however, we request that you be a sponsor of the said bill since you represent great hope for the Venezuelan people.

We would like to enact this legislation based on many different reasons such as:

  1. We rely on the Cuban Adjustment Law: Law approved on November 02, 1966
  2. Apart from the humanitarian characteristics, the Venezuelan community would be a community of interest to the United States.
  3. The United States is a nation consistent with the principles they have followed in their dealings with the nations around the world, to encourage freedom and to encourage resistance to totalitarianism.
  4. The approval of this law would be a contribution to the principle of consistency of the United States, which carries freedom and resistance to totalitarianism as its flag, which is a nation that practices what it preaches and which extends itself to provide the opportunity to provide to people who are victims of totalitarian regimes, to live in a free society and be useful to the United States.
  5. Many professional Venezuelans who would be a credit to this country were prevented from gaining professional employment in the U.S. due to statutes that require Permanent Residence or full citizenship for certain professions such as a doctor, dentist, lawyer, teacher, etc.
  6. The Venezuelan community has been characterized as hard-working professionals who are an asset to American communities.
  7. Does not encourage irregular immigration.
  8. We are not a public charge, most of the Venezuelan applicants have declared their taxes.

The Venezuelan community urges your help in bringing this legislation to the House of Representatives floor to permanently protect Venezuelan residents in the USA. We count on your support to back this legislation.

We need to start the pathway for Venezuelans by affording them stability with a great contribution to the nation, being an asset and added value to the growth and development of communities.



Mikie Sherrill


NJ. Carta al Representante Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ-11) Jornada

Date: 03/18/2025

The Honorable Representative
Mikie Sherrill
1414 Longworth House Office Building
Washington DC 20515

Dear Representative,

On December 31st, 2021, the planning for a bill that can offer permanent stability to more than 421,000 Venezuelans residing in the United States began. This proposal, called the Venezuelan Adjustment Act, would be a way to offer Permanent Residence.

We also need bipartisan support; however, we request that you be a sponsor of the said bill since you represent great hope for the Venezuelan people.

We would like to enact this legislation based on many different reasons such as:

  1. We rely on the Cuban Adjustment Law: Law approved on November 02, 1966
  2. Apart from the humanitarian characteristics, the Venezuelan community would be a community of interest to the United States.
  3. The United States is a nation consistent with the principles they have followed in their dealings with the nations around the world, to encourage freedom and to encourage resistance to totalitarianism.
  4. The approval of this law would be a contribution to the principle of consistency of the United States, which carries freedom and resistance to totalitarianism as its flag, which is a nation that practices what it preaches and which extends itself to provide the opportunity to provide to people who are victims of totalitarian regimes, to live in a free society and be useful to the United States.
  5. Many professional Venezuelans who would be a credit to this country were prevented from gaining professional employment in the U.S. due to statutes that require Permanent Residence or full citizenship for certain professions such as a doctor, dentist, lawyer, teacher, etc.
  6. The Venezuelan community has been characterized as hard-working professionals who are an asset to American communities.
  7. Does not encourage irregular immigration.
  8. We are not a public charge, most of the Venezuelan applicants have declared their taxes.

The Venezuelan community urges your help in bringing this legislation to the House of Representatives floor to permanently protect Venezuelan residents in the USA. We count on your support to back this legislation.

We need to start the pathway for Venezuelans by affording them stability with a great contribution to the nation, being an asset and added value to the growth and development of communities.



Bonnie Watson Coleman


NJ. Carta al Representante Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ-12) Jornada

Date: 03/18/2025

The Honorable Representative
Bonnie Watson Coleman
168 Cannon House Office Building
Washington DC 20515

Dear Representative,

On December 31st, 2021, the planning for a bill that can offer permanent stability to more than 421,000 Venezuelans residing in the United States began. This proposal, called the Venezuelan Adjustment Act, would be a way to offer Permanent Residence.

We also need bipartisan support; however, we request that you be a sponsor of the said bill since you represent great hope for the Venezuelan people.

We would like to enact this legislation based on many different reasons such as:

  1. We rely on the Cuban Adjustment Law: Law approved on November 02, 1966
  2. Apart from the humanitarian characteristics, the Venezuelan community would be a community of interest to the United States.
  3. The United States is a nation consistent with the principles they have followed in their dealings with the nations around the world, to encourage freedom and to encourage resistance to totalitarianism.
  4. The approval of this law would be a contribution to the principle of consistency of the United States, which carries freedom and resistance to totalitarianism as its flag, which is a nation that practices what it preaches and which extends itself to provide the opportunity to provide to people who are victims of totalitarian regimes, to live in a free society and be useful to the United States.
  5. Many professional Venezuelans who would be a credit to this country were prevented from gaining professional employment in the U.S. due to statutes that require Permanent Residence or full citizenship for certain professions such as a doctor, dentist, lawyer, teacher, etc.
  6. The Venezuelan community has been characterized as hard-working professionals who are an asset to American communities.
  7. Does not encourage irregular immigration.
  8. We are not a public charge, most of the Venezuelan applicants have declared their taxes.

The Venezuelan community urges your help in bringing this legislation to the House of Representatives floor to permanently protect Venezuelan residents in the USA. We count on your support to back this legislation.

We need to start the pathway for Venezuelans by affording them stability with a great contribution to the nation, being an asset and added value to the growth and development of communities.
